These versions have a support forum here: If you wish you can create a page template manually and save it and have your images fill each part of the page. I suggest downloading a trial version, forget color management for now, and just play with the multiple print features. However a side by side comparison of the same image printed from PSE 10 and QImage Pro shows detail improvement without added noise or halos (as in USM). I now have PSE to manage the printer (but added a plug-in for soft proofing). (PSP only allowed soft proofing but did not drive the printer color management like PS does.) (I now use the Ultimate version.) When printing you can elect to have QImage sharpen your prints and it does a very nice job. Up until a couple of months ago I used Q Pro just for printing in order to get full color management into my printing workflow which Paintshop Pro did not provide. It has a new sharpening algorithm as well. The current product QImage Ultimate includes image editing in functions as well including RAW processing. These are learn by example using 4圆 prints in this case. It shows the automated options for printing different subjects on the same page. This is the on-line link for QIMage Pro version regarding your query, an end of life product still sold at.